PreCure All Stars F

A great Pretty Cure gathering!. Or so we thought. They've actually been separated!? "Where am I...?" When Sora wakes up, she finds herself in a mysterious world... It seems that she has lost Mashiro and the others.... But there she meets Yui, Manatsu, and Prim!. What's more, Prim transforms into Cure Supreme!. Mashiro meets Laura, Amane, and Nodoka on a small island in the sea, and rescues Puka from a monster attack!. Tsubasa meets Saaya, Ha-chan, and Haruka, where they take a walk in the hanging garden!. Ageha meets Asumi, Lala and Yukari, but Lala and Yukari are having trouble getting along!. They meet a lot of friends, but for some reason, their memories are all a little hazy... And it seems that the only people in this world are Precure...? We want to go back to our own world!. The clue is a castle in the distance Onward!. Our journey begins here!. Let's go on a great adventure to the castle!.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorToei Company
See full company information
Release DateSep 15, 2023
Running Time1 hr 13 min
GenresAction Adventure Animation Comedy Family Fantasy
In Release291 days/41 weeks
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Sep 16-172$2,958,732----$2,958,7321
Sep 23-243$1,339,332-54.7%---$5,707,3102
Sep 30-Oct 14$922,520-31.1%---$6,879,0173
Oct 7-85$556,679-39.7%---$7,643,4884
Oct 14-1510$400,157-28.1%---$8,519,5695