Movie Girls

Sonya is an aspiring actress, and Masha voices cartoons. A chance meeting of two completely different girls becomes the beginning of a great friendship, and now they are flirting together at parties, having affairs with famous actors and even acting in movies. But are they ready to do everything for the sake of their dreams and will their friendship stand the test of strength?


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorCapella Film
See full company information
384 theaters
Release DateAug 17, 2023
Running Time1 hr 39 min
GenresComedy Drama Romance
In Release320 days/45 weeks
Widest Release384 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Aug 17-2018$11,092-384-$28$11,0921
Aug 24-2735$2,117-80.9%117-267$18$21,1332
Aug 31-Sep 371$76-96.4%---$21,5573
Sep 7-10110$16-78.9%---$21,2414
Sep 14-17109$6-62.5%---$21,5015