Poymay sobaku, esli smozhesh

Ten-year-old Lusha's father, failed writer Boris Kolechkin, works as a sales consultant for Lusha's mother Alina. She once preferred him to Sergey Amiantov, on whom the fate of her business now depends. Alina, Lusha and Boris, at Amiantov's invitation, go to his New Year's carnival. There a duel begins between the men. Lusha helps her father as best she can. The Kolechkins are unaware that the stolen ring of the ancient Egyptian queen Nefertiti was hidden in the half-eaten hot dog that the stray dog Karuzo gave to their dog Kristi. The thieves of a priceless ring are organizing a hunt for Kristi in the absence of the owners of the Kolechkins' house. They are confronted by Karuzo, who is in love with Kristi, and who is sheltered by the family.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorНМГ Кинопрокат
Release DateNov 7, 2024
Running Time1 hr 36 min
GenresAdventure Comedy Family
In Release105 days/15 weeks
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Nov 7-1013$129,221----$129,2211
Nov 14-1720$38,252-70.4%---$179,3812
Nov 21-2450$2,208-94.2%---$184,9373