At First Light

Alex is floating unconscious in a lake when light from a UFO of light saves her by enhancing her abilities such as telekinesis and healing power. Her friend Sean helps her. The authorities want her - not just for stealing a police car.


Domestic (12.5%)
Summary Details
DistributorEntertainment One
See full company information
5 theaters
Running Time1 hr 30 min
GenresDrama Sci-Fi Thriller
In Release95 days/13 weeks
Widest Release5 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Sep 28-Oct 4116$1,474-5-$294$1,4741
Oct 5-11120$1,478+0.3%3-2$492$2,9532
Oct 12-18131$340-77%1-2$340$3,2923