The Missionary

In the early 20th century, devout Reverend Charles Fortescue returns to England from his missionary work in Africa and, despite plans to marry his childhood sweetheart, receives a most unusual assignment: minister to the local prostitutes.


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorColumbia Pictures
See full company information
532 theaters
Release DateNov 5, 1982
Running Time1 hr 30 min
In Release63 days/9 weeks
Widest Release532 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Nov 5-115$2,578,997-532-$4,847$2,578,9971
Nov 12-185$1,688,485-34.5%528-4$3,197$4,267,4822
Nov 19-2510$1,236,227-26.8%393-135$3,145$5,503,7093
Nov 26-Dec 29$1,157,121-6.4%407+14$2,843$6,660,8304
Dec 3-910$580,350-49.8%460+53$1,261$7,241,1805