
Arthur Fleck, a party clown and a failed stand-up comedian, leads an impoverished life with his ailing mother. However, when society shuns him and brands him as a freak, he decides to embrace the life of crime and chaos in Gotham City.


Serbia and Montenegro
Summary Details
Release DateOct 10, 2019
Running Time2 hr 2 min
GenresCrime Drama Thriller
In Release83 days/11 weeks
Widest Release60 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Nov 7-10-$100,724-26-$3,874$1,061,3945
Nov 14-172$53,149-47.2%25-1$2,125$1,112,9006
Nov 21-243$32,799-38.3%23-2$1,426$1,146,5627
Dec 5-87$15,040-17-$884$1,185,9119