Beyond Sight: The Derek Rabelo Story

The accomplishments of a blind surfer that, through the encouragement of his parents, best friend, and surf coach, embarked on a three-year journey of grueling mental and physical training that inspired the best pro-surfers in the world.


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorWalking on Water Films
2 theaters
Release DateMar 7, 2014 - May 8, 2014
Running Time1 hr 24 min
GenresAdventure Documentary Family Sport
In Release300 days/42 weeks
Widest Release2 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Mar 7-1359$40,209-2-$20,104$40,2091
Mar 14-2062$31,840-20.8%1-1$31,840$72,0492
Mar 28-Apr 390$6,048-1-$6,048$78,0974
May 2-866$22,977-1-$22,977$101,0749