Rubljovka - Straße zur Glückseligkeit

Rublyovka Road is the traffic artery connecting the powerhouse Moscow with the Russian outback. At all times, the region bordering on Rublyovka has had a magnetic attraction for the ruling elite classes: Tsars, dictators, presidents. Of course, also present-day head of state Putin resides here. In Putin's Russia, Rublyovka has become synonymous with wealth, social ascent and decadent lifestyles. Tell-tale signs of the past and gross excesses of Russian cutthroat Capitalism have created a bizarre microcosm that does not have a parallel elsewhere in this giant empire. Nouveau riche upstarts have caused prices of properties on the Rublyovka to rocket sky-high. Now the fight for the last remaining pieces of land has broken out. The last remaining huts of the poor are swept aside to make way for the palaces of the wealthy by means that could not be any more unfair or brutal. The Russian State, celebrating an imperial comeback bolstered by petro-billions, has declared open season on the weak and poor. Rublyovka is a strictly guarded maximum security area, where many things are hushed up and kept under wraps. In spite of grudgingly granted filming permits, the film team was constantly harassed and threatened by the Russian security service FSB, traffic police and each and every security company.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
7 theaters
Release DateDec 13, 2007
Running Time1 hr 34 min
In Release385 days/55 weeks
Widest Release8 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Dec 13-1646$7,829-7-$1,118$7,8291
Dec 27-3060$3,877-4-$969$27,2993
Jan 3-662$5,102+31.6%6+2$850$33,2914
Jan 10-1352$6,742+32.1%8+2$842$43,7535
Jan 17-2064$3,498-48.1%8-$437$52,0046
Jan 31-Feb 365$1,629-6-$271$55,6518
Feb 7-1078$1,119-31.3%6-$186$56,4449
Feb 14-1770$1,682+50.3%4-2$420$58,90210
Feb 21-2465$1,632-3%6+2$272$61,99211
Mar 13-1668$2,758-3-$919$69,69014