Facing the Enemy

The heart of this dramatic story based on the novel by Leopold Lahola is the search for the principle of humanism. The story plays in a single day towards the end of World War II in a rough, snow-covered landscape where a German soldier escorts his prisoner with orders to shoot him. The background of the story is formed by the flashbacks of the partisan soldier being interrogated by a Russian commissar who wants to know all about him being taken prisoner. The German soldier Helmut Kampen escorts the captive partisan who is condemned to death but finally manages to flee. The commissar wants to know why the Germans did not kill him and accuses the partisan soldier of collaboration.


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Summary Details
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Release DateFeb 20, 2009
Running Time2 hr 4 min
GenresDrama History War
In Release315 days/45 weeks
Widest Release1 theater
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Feb 20-2626$111-1-$111$1111
Feb 27-Mar 530$72-35.1%1-$72$2642