Mars Express

Set in the 23rd century on Mars, the plot follows the investigation on a murder case carried out by the couple formed by private investigator Aline Ruby and her android companion Carlos Rivera.


Domestic (13.1%)
Summary Details
295 theaters
Release DateMay 3, 2024
Running Time1 hr 28 min
GenresAction Animation Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller
In Release274 days/39 weeks
Widest Release295 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
May 3-924$167,678-295-$568$167,6781
May 10-1639$19,731-88.2%21-274$939$187,4092
May 17-2342$6,180-68.7%9-12$686$193,5893
May 24-3038$5,700-7.8%7-2$814$199,2894
May 31-Jun 654$1,292-77.3%3-4$430$200,5815