Visiting Hours

A deranged, misogynistic killer assaults a journalist. When he discovers that she survived the attack, he follows her to the hospital to finish her off.


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorTwentieth Century Fox
See full company information
1,176 theaters
Release DateMay 28, 1982
Running Time1 hr 45 min
GenresHorror Thriller
In Release218 days/31 weeks
Widest Release1,176 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
May 28-Jun 33$7,009,865-1,176-$5,960$7,009,8651
Jun 4-107$3,478,257-50.4%1,122-54$3,100$10,488,1222
Jun 11-1710$1,623,086-53.3%660-462$2,459$12,111,2083