Bad Samaritan

A pair of burglars stumble upon a woman being held captive in a home they intended to rob.


Domestic (74.3%)
Summary Details
DistributorElectric Entertainment
See full company information
2,007 theaters
Running Time1 hr 50 min
GenresCrime Drama Horror Thriller
In Release242 days/34 weeks
Widest Release2,007 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
May 4-109$2,569,925-2,007-$1,280$2,569,9251
May 11-1718$838,629-67.4%1,546-461$542$3,408,5542
May 18-2460$26,493-96.8%48-1,498$551$3,435,0473