Jojo Rabbit

A young German boy in the Hitler Youth, whose hero and imaginary friend is the country's dictator, is shocked to discover that his mother is hiding a Jewish girl in their home.

Summary Details
DistributorWalt Disney Pictures
See full company information
Release DateJan 9, 2020
Running Time1 hr 48 min
GenresComedy Drama War
In Release358 days/51 weeks
Widest Release4 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Jan 30-Feb 212$2,071-4-$517$27,1274
Feb 6-914$1,989-4%3-1$663$30,2225
Feb 13-1617$1,732-12.9%3-$577$33,6046
Feb 20-2318$1,623-6.3%2-1$811$36,4907