Blades of Glory

Two rival Olympic ice skaters, who have been permanently banned from the men's singles competition due to a feud, exploit a loophole that will allow them to qualify as a pairs team.

Summary Details
DistributorKarantanija Cinemas
See full company information
6 theaters
Release DateMay 10, 2007
Running Time1 hr 33 min
GenresComedy Sport
In Release236 days/33 weeks
Widest Release6 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
May 10-134$9,257-6-$1,542$11,2031
May 17-205$8,477-8.4%6-$1,412$23,5622
May 24-276$4,654-45.1%6-$775$30,4483
May 31-Jun 39$4,324-7.1%6-$720$36,9504
Jun 7-1011$1,609-62.8%6-$268$39,8265
Jun 14-1715$722-55.1%6-$120$41,8856