Lulu in the Nude

Following a botched job interview, Lulu decides not to return home, leaving her husband and their three children in the lurch. She premeditated nothing; it all happened quite simply. She steals a few days of freedom for herself, alone, on the coast with no other purpose in mind than to take full advantage of the moment, without feeling guilty about it. On the way, she crosses paths with a variety of people who, like herself, are at the edge of the world: a strange guy protected by his brothers; an old woman who is bored to death; a female employee hassled by her female boss. Three decisive encounters that will help Lulu rediscover an old acquaintance she's not seen for years: herself.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
162 theaters
Release DateJan 22, 2014
Running Time1 hr 24 min
GenresComedy Drama Romance
In Release344 days/49 weeks
Widest Release212 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Jan 22-268$902,974-162-$5,573$902,9741
Jan 29-Feb 210$688,909-23.7%212+50$3,249$1,857,1262
Feb 5-9
Sochi Olympics
Feb 12-16
Sochi Olympics