
The melancholy Candy runs the Half Mortal, a trendy bar in Hong Kong. She hires Paul; Stella, a part-time employee who's a college student in psychology, trains him. He has a gift for mixing the perfect drink to fit each customer's emotional needs. His own emotions, however, are complex: his father, an alcoholic, has died recently; he's abandoned his studies; and, although he's likes Stella, he's a tyro with women and inarticulate with her. Is alcohol the key to happiness, as Paul wonders; does it simply change peoples' personality, as Stella thinks; or, is it just there, as Candy's business sense tells her? Can Paul and Stella blend into something smooth?


Hong Kong
Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorCentury Creator Co. Ltd.
See full company information
Release DateJan 19, 2006
Running Time1 hr 30 min
GenresDrama Romance
In Release347 days/49 weeks
Widest Release13 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Jan 19-259$34,577-13-$2,659$34,5771