The Man and His Shadow

Georges is the flamboyant analogue photography lab technician at the national film school in Bucharest. Alleged modernization plans determine the school management to replace him, ending his lifelong career. On the backdrop of Romania's biggest anti-corruption protests against the governing populist party, the film turns a humanistic gaze towards an institution that works as a mirror to the higher governing forces in its country. Gheorghe's fight for his job becomes a matter of life and death, much more than a technological transition.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorMonogram Film
See full company information
Release DateApr 15, 2022
Running Time1 hr 15 min
In Release261 days/37 weeks
Widest Release3 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Apr 29-May 125$122-1-$122$8533
May 6-822$157+28.7%3+2$52$1,6854