The Tie That Binds

A couple who is childless adopts a tittle girl, they think that their lives are happy and full of joy. But then the little girl's birth parents who are a pair of robbers, come after her to reclaim their daughter.


Domestic (99%)
Summary Details
DistributorWalt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
See full company information
1,783 theaters
Release DateSep 8, 1995
Running Time1 hr 39 min
GenresCrime Drama Thriller
In Release115 days/16 weeks
Widest Release1,783 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Sep 8-106$2,625,339-1,783-$1,472$2,625,3391
Sep 15-1714$1,354,480-48.4%1,783-$759$4,749,5082