Hollywood Ending

A director is forced to work with the ex-wife who left him for the boss of the studio bankrolling his new film. But the night before the first day of shooting, he develops a case of psychosomatic blindness.


Summary Details
Release DateMay 15, 2002
Running Time1 hr 52 min
GenresComedy Romance
In Release231 days/33 weeks
Widest Release315 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
May 15-212$1,356,181-309-$4,388$1,356,1811
May 22-282$998,806-26.4%313+4$3,191$2,354,9862
May 29-Jun 45$549,427-45%315+2$1,744$2,904,4133
Jun 5-118$486,002-11.5%290-25$1,675$3,390,4214
Jun 12-189$239,164-50.8%263-27$909$3,629,5845
Jun 19-2513$256,365+7.2%200-63$1,281$3,885,9506