
The film depicts the life of Cristina, a young middle-class mother financially supported by an emotionally absent mother. She is haunted by her previous relationship with Walter, the father of Darwin, her son. Habit, comfort and suppression make her numb and loveless. Her fleeting romantic adventures with other men are not enough to push her away from this uncertain equilibrium. The only thing that seems to make sense in her life is little Darwin, who shines a light in her life.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
3 theaters
Release DateApr 27, 2023
Running Time1 hr 10 min
In Release432 days/61 weeks
Widest Release3 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Apr 27-3016$1,771-3-$590$1,7711
May 4-726$130-92.7%2-1$65$2,6112
May 11-1427$154+18.5%2-$77$2,8353
May 18-2130$7-95.5%1-1$7$2,8614
May 25-2821$40+471.4%2+1$20$3,0855
Jun 1-430$6-85%1-1$6$3,2156
Jun 8-1121$30+400%1-$30$3,3877
Jun 15-1833$17-43.3%1-$17$3,4848
Jul 20-2328$11-1-$11$3,97513
Aug 17-2027$120-1-$120$3,96117
Aug 24-2722$399+232.5%1-$399$4,37318