Destiny Turns on the Radio

After 3 years in prison, Julian breaks out and returns to Vegas to get his half from the bank robbery and see Lucille again. The Devil took the loot and Tuerto took Lucille.


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorSavoy Pictures
See full company information
1,126 theaters
Release DateApr 28, 1995
Running Time1 hr 42 min
GenresComedy Crime Fantasy
In Release248 days/35 weeks
Widest Release1,126 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Apr 28-3013$676,659-1,126-$600$676,6591
May 5-713$165,729-75.5%932-194$177$1,076,5672