Non c'è più religione

(2018 Re-release)

On a small island in the Mediterranean Sea the usual representation of the nativity is in danger because the child that used to play Baby Jesus is now grown. On the island, a baby hasn't born since a long time and it's necessary to find a new Baby Jesus. The mayor would like to "borrow" a child from the Tunisian community of the island, but between Italians and Tunisians there is bad blood. To help the mayor, there are Bilal, an Italian who converted to Islam and leads the Tunisian community, and Suor Marta, a nun who doesn't want to outrage the catholic tradition of the nativity.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorPilot Kino
See full company information
46 theaters
Running Time1 hr 34 min
Widest Release46 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Jan 4-713$21,894-46-$475$21,8941
Jan 11-1427$4,249-80.6%25-21$169$30,9652
Jan 18-2136$1,913-55%12-13$159$34,4033
Jan 25-2865$191-90%2-10$95$35,3614
Feb 1-469$49-74.3%1-1$49$35,3105
Jul 21-24104$85-3-$28$3,460238