Papu mame zaverni

The teacher's daughter dreams of giving her mother an unusual gift for the New Year and making her happy. At a custom gift agency, she chooses the most expensive one - dinner with a star. But it was difficult to guess what kind of fee we were talking about, and now she and her friends have several months to earn this money. Musician friends help her with this. By coincidence, the star is my mother's unrequited high school love, and New Year's dinner with the star will take place against all odds.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
Release DateDec 5, 2024
Running Time1 hr 46 min
GenresComedy Family Romance
In Release99 days/14 weeks
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Dec 5-813$82,555----$82,5551
Dec 12-1526$18,718-77.3%---$116,0612
Dec 19-2234$3,056-83.7%---$122,3353