Spider-Man: Far from Home
Peter Parker, the beloved superhero Spider-Man, faces four destructive elemental monsters while on holiday in Europe. Soon, he receives help from Mysterio, a fellow hero with mysterious origins.
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182 theaters
Date | Rank | Weekend | %± LW | Theaters | Change | Avg | To Date | Weekend |
Jul 4-7 | - | $2,681,145 | - | 182 | - | $14,731 | $3,387,444 | 1 |
Jul 11-14 | - | $1,297,586 | -51.6% | 162 | -20 | $8,009 | $5,390,101 | 2 |
Jul 18-21 | - | $520,818 | -59.9% | 95 | -67 | $5,482 | $6,136,422 | 3 |
Jul 25-28 | - | $303,467 | -41.7% | 70 | -25 | $4,335 | $6,542,501 | 4 |
Aug 1-4 | - | $124,799 | -58.9% | 47 | -23 | $2,655 | $6,729,015 | 5 |
Aug 8-11 | 4 | $84,593 | -32.2% | 31 | -16 | $2,728 | $6,841,122 | 6 |
Aug 15-18 | 6 | $27,468 | -67.5% | 25 | -6 | $1,098 | $6,897,604 | 7 |
Aug 22-25 | - | $15,153 | -44.8% | 19 | -6 | $797 | $6,919,039 | 8 |
Aug 29-Sep 1 | - | $9,006 | -40.6% | 13 | -6 | $692 | $6,931,747 | 9 |
Sep 5-8 | - | $4,621 | -48.7% | 5 | -8 | $924 | $6,938,777 | 10 |
Sep 12-15 | - | $4,875 | +5.5% | 4 | -1 | $1,218 | $6,946,662 | 11 |
Sep 26-29 | - | $856 | - | 1 | - | $856 | $6,948,751 | 13 |
Oct 3-6 | - | $459 | -46.4% | 1 | - | $459 | $6,949,522 | 14 |
Oct 31-Nov 3 | - | $163 | - | 1 | - | $163 | $6,951,063 | 18 |