Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong

An attraction forms when a Chinese American girl visiting Hong Kong for the first time meets an American expat who shows her the way, but timing may not quite be on their side. A walk-and-talk romance set in the beautiful city of Hong Kong, the film asks the question - what happens when you meet the right person at the wrong time?


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorGravitas Ventures
See full company information
10 theaters
Running Time1 hr 18 min
GenresComedy Romance
In Release324 days/46 weeks
Widest Release11 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Feb 12-1462$14,966-10-$1,496$14,9661
Feb 19-2196$709-95.3%3-7$236$21,2062