Contra Paraguay
In the 19th Century something happened that is little known regardless the importance it had: the biggest South American War, were 4 Countries were involved. How is it possible to understand this war of which we know little to nothing? Was it a war between Countries? Did Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay make an alliance against Paraguay? Why is it named in so many different ways? The Paraguayan War, the Triple Alliance War, The 70's War. How to call it, when your choice already implies your agreement on a point of view? The results: half a million deaths and the nearly annihilation of the Guarani population. Gustavo, a young historian, takes on a journey from Buenos Aires to Paraguay to uncover these questions. Through its battled fields and speaking with their inhabitants he will discover a word to mouth history that will defy the academic side of it. To these questions historians will have other questions like: What is the role of history in society? Why are historic facts changed? Is it possible that history is interpreted according to current history
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