
Beautiful Carmen Colson and her ironworker husband Wayne are placed in the Federal Witness Protection program after witnessing an "incident". Thinking they are at last safe, they are targeted by an experienced hit man and a psychopathic young upstart killer. The ensuing struggle will test Carmen to the limit.


Domestic (0.6%)
Summary Details
DistributorThe Weinstein Company
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5 theaters
Running Time1 hr 35 min
GenresAction Crime Drama Thriller
In Release343 days/49 weeks
Widest Release5 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Jan 23-2556$10,741-5-$2,148$10,7411
Jan 30-Feb 178$1,675-84.4%5-$335$17,0072