When We Lost to the Germans

After the lost final against Germany, everyone is hungover; in the summer town it remains quiet. Jonas and Dan bump into each other and decide to explore the neighborhood to see if there is anything going on. Meanwhile, the realization sinks in that their classmate Catootje has been missing for five days - could she still be alive?


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorSeptember Film
See full company information
36 theaters
Release DateSep 21, 2023
Running Time1 hr 25 min
In Release102 days/14 weeks
Widest Release38 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Sep 21-2416$21,286-36-$591$24,4361
Sep 28-Oct 127$12,447-41.5%38+2$327$47,2952