The Saint

Lithuanian provincial town is facing the economic crisis in 2008. Vytas gets fired from the factory. Pushed by his wife, he immediately starts looking for a new job, but not really successfully. After having his haircut done, Vytas starts looking for a new love affair with a hairdresser Marija, but not really successfully, either. Finally, Vytas gets involved into a third search - he starts looking for a guy who posted video on youtube, claiming he saw Jesus Christ in their town. This is the only time he succeeds.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorKino Pavasaris
See full company information
153 theaters
Release DateSep 22, 2017
Running Time1 hr 36 min
In Release101 days/14 weeks
Widest Release162 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Sep 22-241$78,982-153-$516$87,1021
Sep 29-Oct 11$52,946-33%162+9$326$181,2822
Oct 6-83$26,924-49.1%98-64$274$238,4713
Oct 13-159$14,140-47.5%59-39$239$267,4894
Oct 20-2211$5,987-57.7%26-33$230$279,7355
Oct 27-2917$1,368-77.2%6-20$228$280,7256
Nov 3-520$12-99.1%1-5$12$280,8317