Odna doma

Desperate to legally make the world a better place, a young unlucky engineer Artyom decided to rob several elite apartments with his invention. But in the very first of them, he meets a cunning girl Stefaniya, who demands to take her as an accomplice in order to buy a gift for her mother. They have only one New Year's Eve to pull off the case, and many unforeseen circumstances.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorСинема Парк
Release DateDec 7, 2023
Running Time1 hr 33 min
GenresComedy Family
In Release391 days/55 weeks
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Dec 7-1012$46,588----$46,5881
Dec 14-1713$25,855-44.5%---$86,1132
Dec 21-2417$14,157-45.2%---$101,3313
Jan 4-736$2,414----$115,4505
Jan 11-1487$42-98.3%---$119,1426