My Dog Stupid

Henri is going through a mid-life crisis. Who's to blame for his failures, lack of libido and back pain? His wife and four kids, of course. Just as he's taking critical stock of his life, of all the women he'll never have, of all the cars he'll never drive, a huge, ill-behaved, obsessive dog decides to move into the house, much to his delight but to the dismay of the rest of the family, and especially Cécile, his wife, whose steadfast love is beginning to crack.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
DistributorVLG Film
Release DateFeb 7, 2020
Running Time1 hr 46 min
GenresComedy Drama
In Release329 days/47 weeks
Widest Release8 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Feb 14-1630$1,108-8-$138$1,9972
Feb 21-2328$576-48%3-5$192$2,7653
Feb 28-Mar 126$347-39.8%1-2$347$3,4344