Red Riding Hood

A teenage girl finds herself in deathly straits when her village sets out to hunt the werewolf that terrorizes it every full moon.

Summary Details
4 theaters
Release DateApr 22, 2011
Running Time1 hr 40 min
GenresFantasy Horror Mystery Romance Thriller
In Release254 days/36 weeks
Widest Release4 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Apr 22-242$10,561-4-$2,640$10,5611
Apr 29-May 13$6,145-41.8%4-$1,536$25,2722
May 6-85$4,506-26.7%4-$1,126$35,9263
May 13-156$3,351-25.6%4-$837$41,4384
May 20-229$1,420-57.6%4-$355$46,8445
May 27-2912$936-34.1%4-$234$50,2846