U Me Aur Hum

Ajay's life turns upside down when he learns that his wife Piya has Alzheimer and he has no option, but to leave his wife in a mental hospital.


Domestic (9.4%)
Summary Details
DistributorEros Worldwide
See full company information
89 theaters
Running Time2 hr 36 min
GenresDrama Romance
In Release265 days/37 weeks
Widest Release89 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Apr 11-1720$732,177-89-$8,226$732,1771
Apr 18-2432$216,003-70.5%89-$2,427$948,1802
Apr 25-May 153$80,011-63%89-$899$1,028,1913