Greetings from Tim Buckley

A chronicle of the days leading up to Jeff Buckley's performance at his father's tribute concert in 1991.


Domestic (91.8%)
Summary Details
DistributorTribeca Films
See full company information
Running Time1 hr 39 min
GenresBiography Drama Music
In Release243 days/34 weeks
Widest Release3 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
May 3-994$5,722-2-$2,861$5,7221
May 10-16120$1,734-69.7%2-$867$7,4562
May 17-23103$1,871+7.9%2-$935$9,3273
May 24-30106$1,830-2.2%3+1$610$11,1574