A modern and stylish kaleidoscope of interconnected love and relationships linking characters from different cities and countries in a vivid, suspenseful and deeply moving tale of romantic life in the 21st century.


Hong Kong
Summary Details
DistributorCable Entertainment
See full company information
7 theaters
Release DateNov 15, 2012
Running Time1 hr 50 min
GenresCrime Drama Mystery Romance Thriller
In Release47 days/6 weeks
Widest Release7 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Nov 15-187$28,254-7-$4,036$28,2541
Nov 22-2514$6,897-75.6%3-4$2,299$45,5852
Nov 29-Dec 219$2,054-70.2%2-1$1,027$50,4263