
LOVE explores the relationship between friends, family, and lovers. This story begins with the origins of a blossoming friendship between two 10-year-old girls. Unfortunately, the childhood friends are suddenly separated due to the death of one of their brothers, then later reunited as young adults. Nhi is now a university student and the lead singer of a girl band. She has a handsome but uptight boyfriend, Hoang. On the other hand, Tu comes from a family whose father is struggling with depression and whose mother is working very long hours just to make ends meet. Tu is secretly loved by Mien, a colleague of Nhi. As the story progresses, the girls soon discover feelings that they did not know they had. They must decide if their feelings for one another are just as friends, or perhaps something more.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
90 theaters
Release DateNov 20, 2015
Running Time1 hr 46 min
GenresDrama Romance
In Release42 days/6 weeks
Widest Release90 theaters
Opening Weekends166