
The sea, August, interesting and simple people. They tan, swim, play volleyball, basketball, drink, dance and then find someone to spend the night with. Many grew out of their student phase and can afford a more comfortable holiday but when July comes they grab a tent, jump into their cars and come here. Here, nobody talks about work and the size of your wallet means nothing. The focus shifts from one main character, to another, to a third and then back to the first with the ending being about the fourth who was the main hero in the previous episode. The story unfolds like a musical, where the rhythm is the method of storytelling.


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Summary Details
DistributorCentral Partnership
See full company information
Release DateNov 23, 2006
Running Time1 hr 40 min
In Release39 days/5 weeks
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Nov 23-264$635,510----$635,5101
Nov 30-Dec 36$466,450-26.6%---$1,328,6122