Slow West

A young Scottish man travels across America in pursuit of the woman he loves, attracting the attention of an outlaw who is willing to serve as a guide.


Domestic (17.7%)
Summary Details
50 theaters
Running Time1 hr 24 min
GenresAdventure Drama Romance Thriller Western
In Release226 days/32 weeks
Widest Release54 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
May 22-2436$67,003-50-$1,340$67,0031
May 29-3135$43,440-35.2%54+4$804$168,0382
Jun 5-761$10,246-76.4%28-26$365$200,6313
Jun 12-1464$8,351-18.5%11-17$759$215,6144
Jun 19-2166$6,459-22.7%14+3$461$229,0945