Top Opening Grosses by Days in Release

Data as of Mar 14, 2:32 PDT
Rank Release Gross-To-Date Total Gross % of Total Theaters Average Date Distributor
1The Eight Hundred$277,000,000$460,000,000---Aug 21, 2020CMC Pictures
2The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King$10,824,443$10,427,541100%--Mar 12, 2004-
3The Da Vinci Code$10,112,637$13,206,121---May 19, 2006-
4Poseidon$5,300,000$8,800,000---Jun 2, 2006-
5Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties$4,380,145$7,214,236---Aug 11, 2006-
6Ice Age: The Meltdown$2,186,110$4,550,647---Jun 9, 2006-
7When a Stranger Calls$1,618,605$2,920,958---Aug 11, 2006-
8Open Season$1,296,294$2,034,083---Sep 29, 2006-