'High Crimes' Toasted by 'Panic Room'
High Crimes opened in the #2 position this weekend, unable to beat out Jodi Foster in The Panic Room. This wasn't a surprise to Derby player Tony Smith in Mississippi who predicted that "Jodie Foster can take on Ashley Judd and Morgan Freeman at the same time and still come out on top." In fact, 70% of players put Panic Room in the #1 slot. <TABLE style="BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" borderColor=#111111 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=3 align=right border=1>
<TD align=middle bgColor=#dcdcdc>Rank</TD> <TD bgColor=#dcdcdc>Name, Location</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#dcdcdc>Accuracy</TD></TR> <TR>
<TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>1</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>Brandon Gray
Box Office Mojo</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>90.53%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>2</TD> <TD bgColor=#f4f4ff>Justin Kanowicz</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>89.42%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>3</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>Joey</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>86.95%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>4</TD> <TD bgColor=#f4f4ff>John Hilary</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>86.79%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>5</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>Patrick G</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>86.59%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>6</TD> <TD bgColor=#f4f4ff>Gabi Jaca</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>86.54%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>7</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>Madguy</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>86.35%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>8</TD> <TD bgColor=#f4f4ff>these2shall pass</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>86.29%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>9</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>gk</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>85.9%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>10</TD> <TD bgColor=#f4f4ff>Steve Michaelson</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>85.67%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>11</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>S Chawla</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>85.52%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=3>Click here for a complete rank of all players.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
No one was able to beat out Brandon Gray of Box Office Mojo's over 90% accurate prediction for last weekend. Congratulations go to Justin Kanowicz of McCook, Nebraska, who was the top Derby contender. Jason Kaplan, who placed #1 for the past two Derby Games, fell in rank to #154 with a 76.97% accuracy score. A leader board of all players for all games will be posted later this week.
The Comment of the Week Award goes to Jonocom of Phoenix, AZ who said: "Panic Leaves High & Wilder Little Room for Big Trouble."
Last weekend the average prediction was 71.18% accurate (compared to the previous week's 49.36%) with 90 players correctly guessing at least one movie's gross 100%.
Big Trouble echoed its own title in box office performance, and was also the worst predicted movie of the weekend. Comments about this film were mixed. For example, Geoffrey Thomas of Saint Paul, MN said he thought the trailers were hilarious and banked his predictions on the film opening in the #2 slot. Daniel Ray of Salt Lake City was more accurate when he said that "like Death to Smoochy, Big Trouble is pretty much D.O.A." Most players over predicted the film by $5.1 million; only Lane Ratchford in Los Angeles and Joey in Canada foresaw its actual $3.5 million opening.
The majority of players were also bullish on National Lampoon's Van Wilder, over predicting its actual opening of $7.3 million by $3.3 million.
Finally, Robert West of Santa Cruz, CA wrote about last week's opening movies: "[They] just aren't very interesting." Many players seemed to share the same sentiments as they, instead of writing about the box office, wrote hopeful comments about winning the Box Office Derby's April grand-prize: The Toaster. Clem of Greenport said about his predictions, "I don't know if I'll win the toaster but I'm toast if I don't." Alex Edghill of Barbados said, "I hope I get the toaster, does wonders for stale bread."
Each week a user plays, he earns his accuracy % in points (e.g. 80% accuracy gets you 80 points). The player who accumulates the highest number of points during the month of April will win the toaster. Next week's article will contain a chart of the Top Toaster Contenders.
Box Office Mojo</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>90.53%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>2</TD> <TD bgColor=#f4f4ff>Justin Kanowicz</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>89.42%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>3</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>Joey</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>86.95%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>4</TD> <TD bgColor=#f4f4ff>John Hilary</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>86.79%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>5</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>Patrick G</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>86.59%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>6</TD> <TD bgColor=#f4f4ff>Gabi Jaca</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>86.54%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>7</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>Madguy</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>86.35%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>8</TD> <TD bgColor=#f4f4ff>these2shall pass</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>86.29%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>9</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>gk</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>85.9%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>10</TD> <TD bgColor=#f4f4ff>Steve Michaelson</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f4f4ff>85.67%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>11</TD> <TD bgColor=#f5f5f5>S Chawla</TD> <TD align=middle bgColor=#f5f5f5>85.52%</TD></TR> <TR> <TD align=middle bgColor=#ffffff colSpan=3>Click here for a complete rank of all players.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
No one was able to beat out Brandon Gray of Box Office Mojo's over 90% accurate prediction for last weekend. Congratulations go to Justin Kanowicz of McCook, Nebraska, who was the top Derby contender. Jason Kaplan, who placed #1 for the past two Derby Games, fell in rank to #154 with a 76.97% accuracy score. A leader board of all players for all games will be posted later this week.
The Comment of the Week Award goes to Jonocom of Phoenix, AZ who said: "Panic Leaves High & Wilder Little Room for Big Trouble."
Last weekend the average prediction was 71.18% accurate (compared to the previous week's 49.36%) with 90 players correctly guessing at least one movie's gross 100%.
Big Trouble echoed its own title in box office performance, and was also the worst predicted movie of the weekend. Comments about this film were mixed. For example, Geoffrey Thomas of Saint Paul, MN said he thought the trailers were hilarious and banked his predictions on the film opening in the #2 slot. Daniel Ray of Salt Lake City was more accurate when he said that "like Death to Smoochy, Big Trouble is pretty much D.O.A." Most players over predicted the film by $5.1 million; only Lane Ratchford in Los Angeles and Joey in Canada foresaw its actual $3.5 million opening.
The majority of players were also bullish on National Lampoon's Van Wilder, over predicting its actual opening of $7.3 million by $3.3 million.
Finally, Robert West of Santa Cruz, CA wrote about last week's opening movies: "[They] just aren't very interesting." Many players seemed to share the same sentiments as they, instead of writing about the box office, wrote hopeful comments about winning the Box Office Derby's April grand-prize: The Toaster. Clem of Greenport said about his predictions, "I don't know if I'll win the toaster but I'm toast if I don't." Alex Edghill of Barbados said, "I hope I get the toaster, does wonders for stale bread."
Each week a user plays, he earns his accuracy % in points (e.g. 80% accuracy gets you 80 points). The player who accumulates the highest number of points during the month of April will win the toaster. Next week's article will contain a chart of the Top Toaster Contenders.